Sunday, December 19, 2010

to be honest...

last night was weird.
I wish there was someone i can talk to, to just say what I want to hear. =\ But what I want to hear is a reality anyone who knows my situation would never want for me to go to. If I make any sense.
Most of this break I'll be working due to xmas. Than the 26th it's my friend's bday so it's the same ordeal as last night. Except I get to see my best friend during the day...HOPEFULLY if she doesnt have any other palns :) God I was talking to her the other day and it's true you sometimes i wish i had that literal physical company, that shoulder to cry on and someone to hug you. But to be honest there has been an immense development in our friendship and in a good way :)
Lol so it feels so akward not having any obligations with school any more... There is a few things I got to do though.
(1) get my resp stuff I got to go to school for that..especially before work! UGH! the lines are annoyingly huge!
(2) arrange my bookshelf (my binders are taking up too much room)
(3) review my materials

As for my break I really don't have any crazy plans. I'd most likely have to work until new years day after day. So from tommorow to the 24th I'll be working. 25th and 26th I have off. I'm not sure how the 27th onwrads is going to be but yeah. A few ideas I know of is me and my friends might go clubbing (not sure on that yet), chicken wings, skating with the best friend *fingers crossed*, go to a movie with friends and alone (yeah there is NOTHING wrong with that!) and I wanted check out high park but it's kind of cold so not sure on that yet.
I still havent gotten my xmas presents for my friends but I guess I'll do it after my paycheque on the 28th. I also will be getting something for jojo! I will post up pictures, had this idea for a while now! I think this present would be good for him!

i had yet another dream last do i accomplish that when I was drunk..usually Im passed out and so tired and deep in sleep that I never have remembered my dream.

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