Saturday, December 25, 2010


For my family christmas is like any other saturday. I come downstairs to my dad cleaning the chimney/fireplace and my mom had just finished making breakfast. So no family togerthe-ness, no dinner around the table, no family over because to us it's another saturday. I guess I am embarrassed to admit I was a bit resentful because I kind of want the whole family over and having dinner. Also, I can admit I was feeling a bit lonely when I woke up to this day. I realized why people find this day hard and even try to commit can be hard for people when your ALL alone.

I woke up and read over my textbook. Went downstairs had some cereal and tea. I decided to go to a Conservation Park in our area to go for a hike and take some photographs because it's been a while.So I put on the extra layers and made myself some herbal tea from david's tea(I mixed in some of my rooibos tea and I added some rosemary in as well it was REALLY GOOD!) and I was off. When I got there I literally had the WHOLE park to felt so good. I walked around and I could sing out loud without looking crazy. It felt great, this feels great. I could say today I finally felt at peace. But the ending quote in Grey's anatomy couldn't have put it better:
"Peace isn’t a permanent state. It exists in moments, fleeting. Gone before we even knew it was there. We can experience it at any time.. In a stranger’s act of kindness. A task that requires complete focus. Or simply the comfort of an old routine. Every day we all experience these moments of peace. The trick is to know when their happening so that we can embrace them. Live in them. And finely let them go."

Anyways, after some time one or two families had come into the park as well. The people there are so nice like I walked by this father and son and we said hello to each other as if we were neighbours. This isn't the first time either, its always at that park! Below are some photos from my day.

My mom made jambalaya!
Followed by Pomgranate! So frikken YUMMY!
waiting for my tea to steeeeeeeepp!

I pull in to park at the park, and I see crows just hanging out:P

Here there was no sign of christmas. No christmas tunes. No christmas lights. It was quite peaceful place unaware of what day it was today. And I LOVED it.
Sign Reads: "Caution THIN ICE Danger" Looks like the ice wasn't thin afterall. But I didn't have the guts to walk on the ice even though I really wanted to.
Berries? hmm..they looked kinda yummy. tehehe

I've came here before and these birds are very friendly with people. The eat seeds right from your hands. So when I was taking photos I had my hand out and well a bird flew right by my ear that I could hear the bird's wings flutter. I gasped, jumped and in that order. Unfortunately I didn't have any bird seeds to feed them, I didn't expect them to be there today especially with the cold. Oh well time!

Chubby squirre! I've named him Baboosh. I just wanted to squish him because he looked like a cuddly stuffed animal. bahahaha

Today I didn't only go on the usual path I take when I go to this park. I literally walked around the whole park. So this is on the other side. On the other side i saw ppl skating, I wanted to walk on the ice but once again I was scared. If the ice wasn't as thick as the many foot print proved, I was alone and uhm yeah didn't want to risk it.

Anyways I reviewed my drug cards the other day and now I'm gonna go summarize them. That way I'd have a condensed and basic review of the drugs.

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