Tuesday, January 11, 2011

dog days

A day ago I'd still be sleeping at this time (10:30 AM). My GOSH! I know I know I'm being a whiney baby. So my clinical placement is at Sunnybrook Hospital! hehehehehe I'm excited. I still have to figure out how I will get there and what not because I have to be there at 7-7:15 am. Clinicals start at 7:30 am. Shit! All those years in high school where I'd grumpily mumble to my friends in morning or sleeping in to getting every minute of sleep has come back to HAUNT me. Ahh well..it's all part of the "game". err right...why do I even say things like that? WHY?!
So I'm sitting on my bed waiting for my tea to steep. I remember driving by Sunnybrook in the spring/summer with my ex. I honestly think the area is gorgeous I even remember telling him I'd want to live there because of course at that time I thought we were gonna get married and have kids. Times have changed but I still would love to work there and live in that area. It would be so cute to have a nice little apartment and the area is so comfortable yet modern. There are really nice restaurents in that area.
So my friend's clinical teacher is effin HOTT! My TA from last semester has NOTHING on him. This guy is hands down gorgeous :| You will wonder like wow really?! So we all were standing there to meet our teachers and he walks up to our group and he's like anyone in section 19 come with me. He turns and leads the group of students, my friend nudges me with a face that's trying to conceal her smile and big bulging eyes. I mouthed word "dayyyyyyyuumm" to her. Hahahah she's lucky. But I told her (because we saw him walk by earlier) if you see a good looking male nurse automatically assume he's unavailable because it's just something rare to come by and any girl will snatch that up like a barcuda would eat a fresh piece of meat. My clinical teacher is pretty cool. She's laid back and is sympathetic to us as students. She's actually in the surgical field so basically every and any type of surgeries will happen on her unit at the hospital. I guess as time passes this semester I can ask her how she finds it because I am considering the OR. Right now Pediatrics is plan a ...maternity & OR are tied for Plan B.
Today was just the basic intro at our school. We just went over our outline and introducing ourselves. Tommorow we are at the hospital, probably take a tour and once again another orientation. Turns out I'm not there from 8:30-6:30 pm like my schedule said. I'll be done by 1:30 pm so that's not bad :)
So tuesdays and wednesdays I'm at Sunnybrook hospital. Thursdays I have theory 2 & a lab . Friday I'm volunteering at Sick Kids Hospital. Fun...funn...FUN! Tonight me and my mom are going to the gym. She has a personal training appointment for 7 so I might as well go to the gym and exercise while she has her class. I really don't want to push myself to loose weight and come to a certain number especially with the stress(good and bad stress) from school, I don't want to further pressure myself. I am happy with my body and I think I am slowly beginning to accept it's flaws and all but it wouldn't hurt me to be healthy.Nevertheless, ever since the break up I've picked up on some bad habits. Eating out (god get your mind out of the gutter), not flossing (yeah I'm really anal about flossing and it's importance), not exercising, skipping breakfast (there are days I wont eat until 3 pm...only because I'd wake up at 12 and not be hungry but yeah my mom thought I was anorexic or something and yelled at me.. i know i know it's really unhealthy), and going to bed and waking up at odd hours. So I want to change all that. I started off by beginning to floss again and brushing my teeth twice a day. The gym I just started yesterday. Lol I ate breakfsat this morning and I probably will continute that because I'd die at the hospitals without having breakfast. Eating out is something I need to work on. I used to cook when I was with my ex for myself and him. Which saved myself and him alot of money. But since then I kind of relied on fast food or Subway. As for my sleeping habits; wow did I ever fuck with them. I abused my circadian rhythm ever since this past summer and I really need to get a fixed schedhule on that. But yeah like I said these are things that I'd want to slowly change but I don't intend on pressuring myself to do so. I know that if I push myself too much I will give up more quickly and easily.

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