Saturday, November 27, 2010


Dear Liver,
Thank you for working overtime and processing the two tequilla shots, three jack daniel shots, one sex on the beach and the bottle of smirnoof cooler. May I also add the "good stuff" you also had to process as well. I'm sure I wasn't making things easier by wasting most of my body's energy by dancing on the dance floor.


bahaha ok so last night was fun. I spoke to my friend and she was like Im so used to you being all humble. So it was different to see me on the dance floor all crazy. bahaha I remember at one point this white girl we met at the club was dancing with us for most of the night and I ended up hugging her and saying i love you(yes that should give u an idea of my intoxication level). sheeshh but overall niagara was nice we went to the casino, we went to rumours night club, there was a few sight seeing places there. I also got this amazing brownie which was even more amazing after having some the "good stuff". It just felt great dancing on the dance floor, not giving a rats ass who was watching me and my friends dance like drunken lunatics. Best song to dance to was lady gaga's song. Just dance, gonna be okay, da da doo-doo-mmm! It was nothing but a release to just get out there and have a fuckin good time...because honestly I haven't in a long time. Yes you distract yourself with readings books, watching shows and throwing yourself into work. But after all that it just felt great to cut loose.
Well I'm still a lil groggy, the headache is gone and I had some good sleep. My brother purposely kept talking to me loudly because he knew I had a hangover. lol i know hes a like just you wait until your older. and he replies that why I want to go uni away from home *shiftty smile*. Well it's my friend's birthday party tonight. So gotta go to that but I'm just so frikken exhausted and it's up in rexdale. And then on top of that I have work tommorow morning. I also haev some school work to get started on.

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