Tuesday, July 26, 2011

the fine line

Now I can give the utmost respect to a woman who has confidence. She has a smart head on her shoulder and is well dignified. I don't expect her to put in 100% confidence but that she is aware of her flaws and insecurities but it doesn't get at her too much.
Than of course there is over-confidence or cockiness. It then gets to the point that it's a bit annoying and the person is just full of themselves. Yes every woman definitely should have confidence but one should never forget modesty as well.
Countless studies have shown females and males are brought up with difference social expectations. Men are expected to have a sense of confidence and certainty. Whereas, woman didn't have the benefit of having confidence instilled in them at a very young age. Don't get me started on media portrayal of woman and men. All in all, in the end females are left second-guessing ourselves.Boy cries, mother responds "Your a strong boy, don't worry" How often do we hear parents say that to daughters? They are allowed to express the emotions. Anyways, I'm getting to feminist here.
But of course, many of us jump over the hurdles and climb over obstacles society throws our way and are able to synthesize a reasonable amount of confidence. I thought what's wrong with having a woman that's "ballsy" and over-confident? We all should be proud of her right? Would men find a woman that's cocky appealing? Hmm not sure. Personally, I have a distaste and find it irritating when a male or a female is cocky. It makes me question what is there that you are trying to compensate for? And it's just annoying having to hear someone praise themselves! lol

Now, I'm not one to preach because well my confidence isn't up to par as it should be but this is simply my mere observation. What I can say is: stand up for yourself when you feel mistreated. Be proud of your accomplishments and be comfortable in your own skin. There is a limit about constantly advertising your wonderful traits.

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