Friday, July 1, 2011

blue moon

wow three posts in a day? clearly I'm not up to much today. Well quite frankly, I should be studying. I really should. But from waking up at 7 am, running off to temple after submitting my assignment and coming home and eating. I decided to take a nap at 2. Naps are very time consuming yet very fulfilling. I ended up sleeping for like 3 hours and got out of bed like at 6? Now I can't stop yawning.
It's Canada day and everyone should be doing something. I'm not. It just feels weird not going out when everyone is out. My parents, also took their nap and are just awakening to do some housework. My brother being a recent high school graduate has been going out the past few days with his friends. SOoOo everyone has got something to do.
My friend invited me out to go clubbing but I was tired and had to make time to study in the evening/night. That and I was just sort of lazy/meh-ed out.
So now I'm loading up Bridget Jones's Diary, plan on eating then cleaning the room as I watch that. Lol I watched a few clips on youtube which got me interested because I swear I can so relate to main character in the sense her weirdness reminds me alot of myself. hehehehe hamana *creepy smile*.
I watched an episode of House today. I used to watch House when I was in high school. But today I watched it after a long time. And HOLY CRAP! I actually understood the medical stuff they were talking about. Also when they were proceeding with diagnostic tests and speculating on a diagnosis for a patient, I'm thinking no that can't be it the patient would have this and this symptom. And I'm sitting there talking as if I'm like part of the team. I know weird, don't judge me! LOL I had a bonding moment with House, so I'm considering on starting the show. Maybe, maybe not. I don't like starting new shows. It's like starting a new relationship, you are bound to get addicted and have to watch all the previous seasons to catch up and continue watching it. Thus, committed...especially if the shows are good. And from the looks of House I think especially being a nursing student now, I'd love it. gahh! Ah well. We'll see.

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