Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Working in groups... I just hate it. I guess it depends on who you are working with but seriously I hate douchebags who think they know their shit when really THEY DON'T.

There is this one dude who just completly cuts me off when I'm talking.
Than there is this chick who just completly disregards my idea saying "Oh that's to difficult" in her whiny voice and would only go with my idea when the rest of the group persuades her. Which goes to show that if the rest of the group likes the idea than it's "not too difficult" or "bad".

And I don't want to hear that garbage...well ami you are going to be a nurse you should learn to cooperate and speak up with people.
(1) learn to cooperate I am not going to learn to cooperate with people who refuse to listen to me or my frikken ideas
(2) Yes I DO REALIZE I NEED TO TALK...and I DID when people just get out of line otherwise I can't just go on for every small little thing. I think where I went wrong is I should have addressed the stupid annoying habits like the dude's cutting of issue and the other girl's "that's too difficult"

I am beginning to find it hard to tolerate that people favor other courses more than others. Yes I know patho is hard and yes I know theory is fuckin demanding but you know what we have other fuckin courses too! I mean I've done it and over the semester + half I've been in nursing I learnt that favoring particular courses GETS YOU NOWHERE. You have to frikken balance your workload or else you will bbe anally screwed!

Anyways that is my vent for now. I swear I have alot of shit to say in my group dynamics essay. and Its not like im going to sit there and blame the rest of the group. I know I should have spoke up MORE. well Im going to study PATHO. which I am probably going to miserably fail. God there is this girl in my class taking it again because she dropped it and she said it's frikken hard. ok im going to shut up and do some work.

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