Friday, June 4, 2010


imma own this assignment like if it was my pet rock, Ginger!

ok i made that up but now that I think about it I think I had a pet rock. I was an interesting child. I remember I used to have a crush on Prabhu Deva... I think I still do. =\
Oh and I remember I was in Knob Hill Farms when I was a kid and my parents were checking out our grocery. Well my hand was in those machines that dispenses toy in those plastic bubbles and I was trying to get those toys...without paying. Anyways this white guy who was walking by told me that if I had my hand in there and I turned the lever (which is what your turn after you put in the coin) my hand would get chopped off. Yeah ..uhm.. never did that AGAIN! crazy man ruined my childhood..


  1. KNOB HILL FARMSSS!!:) Did you know it operated from 1951-2001? 50 years!


  2. DAMNNN I remember those black plastic boxes we used to be able to take to carry our groceries. We managed to take it home. My brother would sit in it and I'd push him around. Than when I sat in it he couldn't push me so I'd use my arms to move around in the basin. Good times good times...
