Monday, June 14, 2010


there's just something about taking a dump, showering and jumping into nice clean clothes.

That's write I blogged about doodoo...I just pushed it to another level like Lady Gaga's Alejandro video. How are you being original and unique when you are just copying the styles of Madonna? I hate you Gaga.. and I'm waiting for the day you and the Kardashians disappear off the public radar like Kate Gosselin. :)


  1. Hear Hear on that....mostly Kardashians...gaga needs stop trying to act like she is doing something "different"...i love how katy Perry made this comment regarding gaga's video "Using blasphemy as entertainment is as cheap as a comedian telling a fart joke."....i was like damn straight...she honestly took this to the next much as i love her songs and music her way of trying to be different is just riduculous...maybe i'm being hypocritical because i'm offended about the fact that she is going against the "norm" and i'm not use to it...but at the same time...what she is doing is just so annoying...its all like a publicity stunt....:S

  2. Lol people were saying how katy could say that after posing naked and squirting white liquid out of her boobies.
