Sunday, March 6, 2011

Reading Week

jammin' to this song because... it sets the mood. =]
Well really haven't hit me yet because its the weekend so during the week it will actually feel great to be home :) So i just woke from a nap and I should clean up my room. LOL I don't know when exactly I'd get started on the studying but i've got a significant amount to do. Also review the basics for my theory final test before the exam. =\
It feels good to have time off and just do about nothing. Relax!! When you are going with the hustle and bustle you tend to neglect that time for yourself, the simplest things to just stop and breath or EVEN EAT we forget to do. I was talking to my friend and a nurse was sitting at the nursing station with us. I complained how my new patient has something citical to say for everything I do. The nurse said sometimes when thay are being rude to you or are in a foul mood, just find the time to excuse yourself. We then continuted to speak and I told her how my first patient on the other hand was sweet and how difficult it was for me to adjust to the setting with seeing actual people who have succumb to such neurological degenrative diseases. She said sometimes these patients have diseases and heart breakings stories but you gotta learn not to take these diseases with you. I also remember telling my friend something along the same line. He was like you can't let that get to you because you don't want to grow to dislike the career. It doesn't get to me to the point that it's intrusive...but I guess it's just a new found respect for the elderly. I realized despite that they are old or ill they are people!
These patients have been through some crazy shit and on top of that they've served in the war. There was this one patient that sticks out to me the most. When you meet him he's the most cheerful and joking man. He's so sweet and always smiling. Turns out this man was in jail for four years! Why because he didn't pay spousal support. His wife left him because he gambled away all their money. The children obviously now don't want anything to do with him. He said "I look back and I totally regret what I did. When I see families come to visit the others I feel like an outcast because now there's no one hear for me." We then realized his charm and humour were a front and that deep down this man was hurting and just needed some company. My teacehr told us, sometimes we just have to sit there and speak to our clients and show them such appreciation becase regardless of their diagnoses they are people. Nurses tend to forget that and as students we develop such habits as well because we want to get whatever schedhule procedure done on time. She said no take your time when your talking to them. Don't get caught up with the nurses on the floor and their routine. You take your time, speak to them and give them care appropiately. Anyways he was taking down food to feed the birds and when asked where he was going he replied: "Who's going to look after the birds? I am! no one cares to stop feed the birds so I have to do it." Such a sweet man.
Everyone has a past and everyone goes through some personal turmoil. It's unfortunate for some that they have to die without having such issues unresolved. Nevertheless, there's only so much one can do.
Well hopefully I get down to the park and feed the birds myself(because the last time I went the birds were there but I had no food) and maybe go for a walk at the beach. It's going to be great :)

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