Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Push through it

Just a few more days and I get my reading week! An overwhelmed feeling hit me though that it was already March. Next thing you know it's April and with a blink of an eye we've got exams. I know it's insane. I'm working on this dreadful Nursing Care Plan. I went downstairs for food twice yesterday on seperate occassions. Both my grandfather and mother asked me if I was sick/ what's wrong?/are you on your period? I guess the stress was getting to me. So today I'm just going to chill for a bit and get back to working on it, probably going to bed late tonight...
Today I rotated to a new quad. I was initially supposed to be on quad #4 (but my teacher moved me because the nurse there was just plain awful) Tuesdays we don't provide nursing care but assist the nurses with their care. Wednesdays is when we actually take care of our patients. It's different but we're there to learn and assist, not take on your patients. This one particular nurse was being a total witch (you know what word I really mean) about it. She's like "so they are here to watch again?". My teacher responds "no they're here to assist" Then the nurse mumbles under her breath "we don't need assistance." Like seriously it was so unprofessional, especially in front of us the students and your co-workers. We aren't just here TO ASSIST we are also here to frikken learn and if your going to act like you have something shoved up where the sun don't shine, pull it out and take good look at yourself. Your a fuckin nurse and part of your job is to teach ESPECIALLY if your quad/hospital takes on such programs. During those tuesdays where we "assist" the nurses teach us care for all the patients in the quad that way we get a variety of experience. That's just how our school works.
Anyways my patient so far from my first encounter is okay. He's very adament on taking care of himself. He's got a past history for murmurs (don't know how it is now), hypertension, mild dementia, stroke and has got some complications with his prostate and urin elimination. So it would be interesting learning about the cardio stuff seeing that I've always found it challenging. He had hematuria(blood in the urine), so he had a catheter in him. Now I've had UTIs where there was blood/blood clots in my urine. But seeing it on a patient made me feel queasy. I wasn't even that grossed out by the feces but the hematuria was bah. I think it's because I personally know how painful that is(well not the catheter part). It's just a little flustering getting a handle of a new patient and giving the care. After morning care he's pretty much chilled and on his own. There's not feeding necessary for him and he usually does most of his stuff himself. It's just different from having a patient(my previous patient) who was dependent on a nurse to shower, feed etc. and to go to a patient who can do most of the stuff himself.
Bah just can't wait until this week is over with. Care plan due on thursday, a presentaion for lab on thursday and I also need to do my lab test on thursday since I didn't go in for lab last week. ARHJGHSJFADNDslkahfjshsa!! Well I think I'm going to take a nap, despite the ample amount of work I have, because I'm sleepy!

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