Saturday, April 24, 2010

sounds fun

Disclaimer: there may be typos or spelling mistakes I'm too lazy to go over this entry and correct it. Apologies in advance BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!
say it ..GRAN-u-losa..tehehhe
you know what I don't get why is testes pronounced testees and not tes-tes with no emphasis on the E on the second round of tes in testes. I have this dull pain in my head... I think it's because of my bun. You know what's cool though I can locate the lobes of the brain...THATS A BIG FUCKIN ACCOMPLISHIMENT..I probably didn't do it right but I think I did. I've been inside the house for most of the day. I dont understand who is outside smoking at this friken hour the smell is drifting into my room. Ohhh my cilia is going to be destroyeeeeeeedd!!!!
I'm trying to understand female hormones.. which believe me is more confusing than I thought!
I've been watching too much TBBT that I wish the characters were real and my friends. bahahah i'm joking...(maybe 20% true) please Im sure other have done it.
Here's an update on my life:
-I feel fat..I am fat..i've gained weight and well it's not doing well on how I percieve my body image. But I'm going to do something about it but right now is not the best time to launch a goal of fitness. Especially when I plan on station my ass to study this weekend.
-Jojo has outgrown is damn rock..I need to get rid of it because it's also has algea growing on it. Im not getting him a new basking rock. Im probably going to go out and get him this lil cabin thing that attaches to the tank so he can go and bask. Or maybe I'll make it myself since I have NOTHING better to do. So while I was studying jojo was on his filthy rock and he was staring at me...and I was staring at him..went on for about a minute. Then he got bored and looked somewhere else. =\ I guess he's uncomfortable with long akward stares or he was bored. I can't stand akward silences. I need to learn how to not be bugged by it. =\
- I'm almost done TBBT yeah I'm in season 3! See I'm not sitting here watching episodes and epsiodes of it. I reward myself. Once I finish something I watch it... when I'm eating I watch it.
-these exams are driving me FUCKING CRAZY!
-I smell funky...tehehehe

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