Tuesday, April 13, 2010

psychotic psychic

So remember my dream about ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium ...yah..that was a question on my test. =| I told my friends about my dream...one says WHY the hell are you dreaming that..dream about the lottery numbers and we all don't have to be here. Oh man I wish. I don't know I think even If I win the lottery I'd still finish my studies. I'd probably want to do nursing for several years and then teach it (if I win the lottery). But at the same time one can't make conclusions when they aren't in the situation. What I mean is who knows? Maybe I get lazy and just don't go to work? Which, I hope I never do. I been through hell and back (yeah sort of dramatic) to get myself into nursing.

Anyways, prior to me finding this out I told a few of my friends and my bf. I had this deep gut feeling my anatomy and physio. exam will be on my birthday. Well just my luck. It's not a bad thing seeing that I knew I had my exams that week. I have two week to prepare and I feel like it's not enough. I need to start writing down days to just review my lecture notes and than a few days before that I can just STUDY LIKE THERE'S no tomorow. I guess I'm nervous... I don't want to mess this up. This is my favorite song (besides Right Here Right Now by fatboy slim) This was like my motivation "you'll get through this shit" song when things weren't just going right. Around this time last year:

My test yesterday was BRUTAL. Like for the past 4 tests, never have I bullshitted on the short answer part. Like I knew my stuff 100% (I'm not gloating.. It's just I was comfortable with it). For this test..ARGH omg I just wrote down whatever I could think of to get some marks. Now I have to work on a paper due today for PPG. I'm done most of it but I want to perfect it because this teacher is a hard marker. So I'm literally relying on the outline, the multiple marking schemes to write this damn paper so she has nothing to say.. but I'm sure she would have something to say because I am human and I will most likely make mistakes. Anyways Glee is on tonight so I'm looking forward to that. I also need to work on my paper due for psych tomorow.

Harper has intiated a nuclear saftey plan.. it's weird but interesting. What I don't get is why are they returning the stockpile to US? Apparently it will be converted to an unusuable nuclear weapon..uhm so what kind of weapon? I get that Canada and US are strong alliances...but do we not have the resources and technology to do it ourselves? I guess I'm failing to understand alot of these transactions happens daily between the US and Canada.

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