Monday, November 14, 2011


I have this weird urge to travel so bad.. A yearning of some sort to get out there and can't be explained. I don't mind travelling with friends or the best friend. But I also want to go somewhere on my own! That's something I want to do sometime really soon. The problem is money. And I guess those kind of opportunities kind of fall into place when the time is right. And I really should be focused on other priorities such as school instead of getting distracted with my desires that are far from reach at the moment. Where I really want to go is Thailand, Nepal, Galapagos Islands and maybe a tropical resort (you know like Cuba). The Galapagos and Nepal are something I can wait for to do during my lifetime. But with a tropical resort or Thailand it would be such a wonderful escape. I would feel awful asking my family because I am sure they themselves have desires to go travel. Especially my grandparents who want to go back home to visit. But at the same time my mom said It's not selfish of you to feel this way, your at that age to explore. We already surpassed that time and got the opportunity to travel. Nevertheless, I can't help but feel like I am leaving them behind or something.
I have to apply for the Bridging program for next September by the end of this month. And we also got a chance to speak with a clinical advisor today in regards to pre-grad and do our simulation labs. She suggested we start giving in resumes and getting our foot in the door for job placements at the hospitals we are at right now in order to get a job. Then we started talking about our licensing exams in January. Don't get me wrong there was a thrill and a positive side to it, but it was almost as if it was sudden once we hit November. One hit after another, after another to get certain things done that have a great impact on everything. I am a little nervous...

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