Tuesday, October 26, 2010


I think that people pray sometimes when they have a lack of control in their life or in the world. Have you ever prayed for a stranger? Maybe the man staring admiringly at a scooter that's on for sale? Maybe a child overseas who needs just $500 more to get into high school? We don't know where prayers will take us or where they will go but we do it so that someone or something out there can make it better. We pray for people that are close to us or even for those who were once close to us because there is only so much we can do. Do prayers work? I'm not sure because I can't prove it, but I got to believe in something, someone or some spirit just to get by. We see in the movies where the villains get down on their knees and remorsefully express their guilt to God, say a prayer and then they go on to kill yet another victim that stands before them. Sometimes a prayer can be like a drug, to soothe that frustration and guilt. If there is something, someone or some spirit out there, is it/she/he listening? Maybe, but maybe only certain prayers can be answered and certain prayers aren't because we got to do our work to meet attain the results of the prayer. And maybe, prayers aren't answered because it doesn't fit the grand scheme of plans.

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