Friday, October 29, 2010

and so

Yet again I am sick. It's as if I am immuno-compromised or something,. I's most likely due to the stress and the fact there is a cold bug going around. But yeah I just feel terrible. I went to my other campus to pay my school payments for next semester and then I took my grandparents to the doctor. Now I am just waiting for them to call so I can go pick them up, come back and sleep. The pain in the ass is going to be when I have to do the RESP stuff when I get my timetable.
I should be studying for health assesment but Im sick, and I just want a nap before I even openi my book. Luckily, my friend and I split the notes. We all have these basic notes that our professors give us, its our duty to fill 'em in and bring it to class. So, she did heart while I am doing lungs.

It's like moving mountains... hey.
But I keep climbing and hoping things would change
And the sky turns gray, and the water from the rain washes progress away.
It's like moving mountains...

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