Saturday, August 13, 2011

My First OR Experience

The experience is literally engraved in my head and it was unforgettable. I walked into the unit with my scrubs on, told me to change into the OR scrubs. They were SOOOO soft! I put on the booties for my shoes, the cap, my face mask and washed my hands. The OR is almost an oxymoron. There was this peace and tranquility and yet you can see a hurried tension to prepare the OR and get everything accurate. It was amazing. It was as if the thrill of the OR was calmed down by the focus needed to do the procedure. I stare at the surgeons wide-eyed as if they were rock stars as they did the procedure. They did two incisions and began inserting the port and camera to begin the procedure. There was a big screen TV displaying the inside of the patient. The scrub nurse was kick-ass. She had every piece of equipment ready before the surgeon asked for it. I loved every bit of it! The nurse who walked me through it was a nurse in the OR at Sick Kids. Yeah, I literally praised her as if she was my idol. I'm honestly considering OR nursing now. I know I know I'm switching my mind so much options but I wouldn't mind going to pediatric surgery but of course that's after a few years of experience.
So the surgery went quite well. It was great that I read up on the surgery prior to going in. I was in the recovery room with my patient observing what the nurses do. My patient looks at me and goes Did you do the surgery? I said No, I'm a nursing student and I watched the procedure. He then asked me how it went. The patient beside us was Tamil. He began talking to me to me in our language. Asking me questions like: What area I'm from in Sri Lanka, what school I go to, Where do I live now, Do I live with my parents, If I was married, How long does he have to stay in the recovery room, when he will start feeling the pain again etc etc. Obviously I never asked him them the same personal questions he asked me. Mind you he was 33 years old(I'm 22)! Then lastly he says to me in Tamil "Do you have a phone?" Yeah I replied confused. "why don't you give me your number?" And that, ladies and gentlemen when it hit me that this innocent conversation had different intentions. I was stunned and I politely said "No I can't give out to number to patients it's against my policy" Yes I could have said I wasn't interested because I wasn't. But LOL for some reason the first thing that popped to my head was rules and regulations. He then goes "I really liked talking to you, just say your number and I'll remember it" I said no I can't and turned back to talking to my patient. I tell my grandma this and she goes "you should have just lied and said 'sorry I have a boyfriend' (yup imagine an old lady with a thick Tamil accent saying that)" Then she proceeded on to advising me "You know, if a guy does approach you and you like him, then pursue it don't let him get away." I'm sitting there going what is going on in this world today?!?!

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