Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I am back from camping and still very exhausted. It was a fun trip aside from the crappy weather. The coldness was the type that made your muscles ache in the morning and water was dripping into our tent. Regardless we got to do some fun things like hiking, going to the beach, our attempt to fish, canoeing, making smores, and of course getting drunk in our tent. LOL Now it's just a matter of adjusting to the fact that I'm going to have nothing to do for the next week or two. Which I don't mind but just not looking forward to getting used to it and only having to go back to school. I have to meet up with a few people to catch up before school starts too.
I guess the time away and my best friend's bitching helped me realize somethings. I am thinking way too much into things. What really stuck in my head was when she said see if he's worthy to even be with you . Which was really true, I fail to think that and jump ahead. So it was a good reality check.
My grandmother was supposed to have an appointment with a lung specialist. It was annoying because it was picking and prodding at my head for most of the trip. I then come back and find out that we can't make the appointment with the specialist her doctor has to do it for her and get hr in through referral. I know it was just monday yesterday but it would be nice to get her in so we can get whatever treatment necessary soon. I guess since her symptoms are not so severe they are holding off. But what if it is cancer? Isn't better to do soon before it spreads. Hmm...
I'll call the doctors today and ask them. I hate her doctor's though, they are just so disorganized.

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