Saturday, May 7, 2011


The last time I dreamt about God was ~ 7 months ago. It was the night him and I had this huge fight. The fight pushed our relationship over the edge. I had dreamt about Sri Durga, in which I was praying to her statue. The priest said to throw in coins at the statue. After the prayer we had to go pick up the coin. When I went the statue came to life and picked up the coin. When I asked the priest at my temple about it he had said that it was symbolical for God taking any bad karma and problems into her hands. From the dream, what I derived most from it was how empowering it was. That dream alone pushed me through some hard and alone times, I felt the few months following.
This morning I had another dream. This time it was of Parvati and Shiva. I was at the temple, Parvati's temple did not have a head but instead a print out paper of her head stuck in place. I took the paper and I was going to take Shiva's. Except Shiva's head was made of wood so it wouldn't budge. It was then I realized I wasn't suppose to take Parvati's print out head (lol wow :|) so I put it back. Then this big pooja happened where in which they placed Parvati and Shiva right by each other. My mom looked at me and said "now that, that's true love". The prayer had finished and we had to walk around and pray. So as I was doing so this guy was standing there staring at me. I looked at him puzzled and walked away. From there I went to the Mahalaxmi, in which an Indian lady was instructing us to stand, with our hands in the prayer pose and sort of bow down at the waist, saying Om Shanti repetitively. And then I woke up.

I then went and read up on Parvati and Shiva’s story. I remember glancing over it but never took such interest. Upon reading the story went on about Parvati, longing for Shiva’s attention because he was more in a meditative trance. So Parvati went on to fast by his side first eating wet leaves, to dry leaves, to water and finally to just living on air. Her parents got fed up and told Shiva do you not see my daughter dying? So Shiva wanted to test out Parvati’s devotion and love one last time despite keeping her waiting for all these years. He came as a normal man and asked her why do you love Shiva who has skull necklaces and meditates in the graveyard with his ghost friends? Why not marry a simple normal man like me? At this point Parvati got all “oh no he DIDN’T talk shit about my man” on this normal man (who was really Shiva) and was like “I don’t want to hear your doubt. I’ll only marry Shiva and not you! Leave me alone or I’ll curse you” And then this happened (source:
At that moment, Shiva assumed his true form once more. Parvati was so moved and overwhelmed to see him standing before her. Shiva said to her, “Any boon that you want, I shall give you.”

“You do not know by this time what boon I want?” asked Parvati. “I want only to marry you.”

“Granted,” said Shiva.

Hehe awwwwwwwwwww cho cho cute.Don’t know what Parvati and Shiva have to do with me. -_-


  1. Oh that Parvati. So dramatic.
    hahaha. I'm kidding...please don't hurt me, Parvati.
