Saturday, May 21, 2011

a break up IS alot like a wound

When a patient comes in with a necrotic wound usually this eschar builds up and new skin (not as the same as before, it's scar tissue called granulation) forms. The nurses tend to the wound when it's fresh because my god it's vulnerable for many things and how you take care of it will determine its recovery. So for instance poor care may result in amputation (but this is mostly seen in diabetic patients). Anyways, what the hell does what I'm talking about have to do with wounds?
When you band-aid up a necrotic wound. It's not going to heal properly and probably infection will occur. Infection can lead to sepsis in which there are bacteria in the blood or if it’s caught on early the body part that is severely infected is amputated. A nercotic wound with alot of exudate (pus) will need a dressing that absorbs all that exudate. Leaving that crap there isn't going to let the wound heal. Same applies for any problem in life. With necrotic wounds they have to be irrigated. You literally have to get into the wound and clean! Same applies for any crap ball life throws out at you. When it comes to getting over a break up, many fail (even I did this with my first serious relationship) to sit down and take that time for yourself and think: what..the..fuck..just..happened to me? :S
About a month ago I remember feeling this sense of hopelessness, agitation and yes, loneliness on my status. A few weeks ago, after a jog I sat by the pond and realized what the fuck is my rush? Why do I want to get into a relationship after everything him and I have been through together and on top of that what I suffered post-break up?! Well slowly, like that new scar tissue settles in, that acceptance and well embracement "hey I'm single!" kicked in. No I'm not single and ready to mingle. More like I’m single and let me eat my Pringles. Lol uhmm I tried my best to make that joke :P okay!? haha
It was beautiful weather today in which I neglected to bring an umbrella. I parked 5-10 minutes away from the school. As I walked back it started pouring. When I mean pouring, I mean by the time I got to my car my clothes and bag were drenched. And I thought to myself the situation would have been a lot different if I was still with him. I would not have been drenched, he would have picked me up (if he schedule permitted) and we would have went out to get something to eat. But I liked it! As a petty as it sounds, I feel proud that I've managed to be on my own and that I’ve come this far. Yes I do wish that hmm maybe I can have that company again with a bf. Nevertheless, I can't imagine that now without feeling a sense of discomfort. It's not really extolling the benefits of being single but more like appreciating the solitude. haha! :P I've embraced it and well it was a challenge. Looking back to September, I was in complete denial. After the break up I even held out hope that maybe he will change. Lesson learned: PEOPLE DO NOT CHANGE UNLESS THEY SEE FIT. NO ONE CAN CHANGE SOMEONE ELSE. If someone has been a certain way for 20 something years it’s very hard and unlikely they will change to your ways. And if it occurs, well… it’s rare. My patient and his wife have been together for ~50 years. They have been together through hell and back. We were talking and she was telling me how this generation, love is something different (she said this to in reference to a personal matter she was confiding in me). I told her its hard finding what you both (her and her husband) have in our generation. Unconditional love (with a spouse), my friends, is slowly going extinct same with chivalry. I know for me this isn't the end of it all but just a progression.

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