Monday, August 30, 2010

It's hard..

explaining the truth and being afraid that you are going to be judged for it. I know Why should it matter what others think? I guess it's because I am one of those people who care about what others think. I worry if what I said was offensive and I obesess over anything that may be a norm in my life would be abnormal to others. Im going to try being honest and upfront with people but I feel like secretly I'd judged for it. For the past few weeks I literally realized so much about myself that it's insane. Usually this realization is difficult when I have school because school itself is a distraction. But it was inevitable, I sort of knew some of the stuff in the back of my mind. Most of the stuff were the truth to what people have told me. I guess now I'm wondering how am I suppose to change these characteristics that I've developed for God knows how long. I just need to sit down and differentiate between what others say and what I truly believe. It's intimidating in a sense because it seems so hard. Why does this matter so much to me? I am tired of wondering if I am excessively negative or when I get mad, am I getting defensive and angry for the right or wrong reasons. My filtering system has a glitch and it needs repair ASAP!!

Oh and I think I have overreactive adrenal glands. I also went to the doctor's today I didn't have a UTI! YAY I dont know if my reccurrent UTIs have stopped because believe me it is one of the most painful and worst thing a girl can endure. But yeah today confirmed it and well it was good news! :)

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