Friday, April 15, 2011


Why do people try to define themselves and try to put themselves in some sort of cookie-cutter image? What's with the self-proclamation? I don't know, just bugs the crap out of me. There is no need to state it, just be who you are. I’m trying my best not to self-contradict but let me be clear as possible. Yes, it’s good to be aware of yourself and have some sort of perception on the definition of your identity. BUT to go out of you way to boast it, verbally and physically, that puzzles me. I see it as some power struggle with yourself. That’s just my two cents.
Hmm...Reminds me of what we learnt in psychology my first semester about Erik Erikson's stages of development. During adolescence teenagers are at this phase of identity vs. identity diffusion. So teens are enduring this constant battle to construct an identity. This includes saying you’re going to be this profession one month and changing your mind afterwards. Your basically experimenting trying to find what fits. Which is why at this time we see kids tending towards trying to be "goth", "gangster" or whatever label you can think of. It's a form of adapting to an identity. We're all guilty of it.
We’ve all tried different style to find that niche. Bahaha. The stuff that you have or the clothes on your back doesn't define who you are. Defining ones self involves self-reflection and experience. Now I'm not a meditating pompous –in-touch-with myself chick who thinks she knows better. But simply put how you dress and material objects doesn't do squat shit to who your truly are. It's a meaningless triumph. Just do you own thing and stop trippin’ about your image.

In other news, I just farted and burped at the same time…now that’s fucking awesome. Ok not really it was awkward…really awkward. Lol I had a nap when I got come from like 3-5pm. So I woke up, went to the washroom (still half asleep) grabbed my brush and started brushing my teeth like it was morning! LOL haha silly goose. Well this week was one crazy week at the hospital. I think the most difficult part of the week was Tuesday when (1) Two patients passed away on our unit and (2) I had to bus at 5 am to the hospital (mind you I went to bed at 2, was woken up at 3:30 and didn’t sleep after). Sick kids was also really busy today morning and I was the only volunteer at the clinic.Well, started studying for exams and next week is my last week at clinicals. Next semester I believe we are at a medical-surgical unit. *sigh* and I have the honour of having an exam on my birthday (note: sarcasm). Even when I was freaking out about it today I kept telling myself, “It’s okay I’ve got 12 days to prepare more then enough!” Just doesn’t feel like it’s enough. GAH three of my friends are sick! And I'm sitting there going in my head going "please don't get sick, please don't get sick" fuck! Well I should get back to my readings that have been neglected due to my wandering mind!


  1. hahaha oh how i wish i was a would be alot easier =]
