Wednesday, February 16, 2011

post melt down

Today I gave my first fleet enema to a patient!! :)
I was a little taken a back when the nurse asked me...but I did it. An enema is this laxative liquid in a bottle with a lubricated tip. You get the patient to lie on their side, pull up the upper butt cheek to expose the anus, stick the tip up the anus towards the umbilical cord and squeeze the bottle pushing all the medication in. The enema will then induce a bowel movement. After that I managed to shower him. I push him back to his bed and my friend's like is the shower free? Im like yes and I show her my legs. My pants were soaked up to my knees! As I was drying him I told him It looks like i've managed to give you and myself a shower. He's a quiet one. I dried him up. I struggled with briefs (adult diapers..seriously I question how I'm going to do it on my child) so the nurse showed me a tip that was alot easier. Got him dressed. Did his vitals ...helped him with oral care. Got him out for breakfast. And administered his medications. I've gotten the hand of this. Talking to the patient has become alot easier too. Like I mentioed he's quiet but his aphasia is attributed to his Parkinson's disease. So I talk about anything from spring finally coming to hockey to music. But yah I COMPLETED TOTAL CARE BABY! Next wednesday (I have a day long lab again for tuesday) I want to be able to do everything on my that, that way the week after when we changed patients it won't be so difficult adapting to the new form of care I'll be providing to him or her. The only thing I messed up was his bed. LOL I CANNOT make beds if my life depended on it. My nurse yelled at me (in a loving motherly way) so I'm going to practice lol this making bed business over the weekend. It's the most trivial thing too! I'm surprised at how I've adpated to just seeing the human body. Like I was showering an old man, I washed his private parts and even had to wipe his bum after he used the washroom today. The first week was crazy because I was like AHH PENIS!! AHH CACA. Oh man speaking of caca. That's something i need time to getting used to. oh dear god I just pictured it!
Well I should get back to studying.


  1. damn interesting as your sessions are...and i'm enjoy reading it...but at the same time i know why i can never be a nurse...i can care for someone but not to the dept as to what you have to do...god bless lolz

  2. i wasn't looking forward to it either because most of the nursing education with geriatrics is basic care such as feeding, cleaning and medications but it's the basics and you got to start from step 1 right? but yeah i wasn't looking forward to it but it's very rewarding working with the elderly and you just realize so much. I can't wait until i get to the ER :D I think i'd be excited like seeing maroon 5 live.
    Yeah the stuff you gotta do is gross at first. You get used it and you just talk to them. Because you may be the first person to speak to them that day and they must be so effin uncomfortable have some NEW and a stranger do their care! But when it comes to elimination its gross, wednesday (their enema days) I have such a difficult time eating.And that's when mom makes chicken curry!! =\
