Sunday, February 19, 2012


We all have certain perspectives, values and habits that we've built and developed over the years. They are dynamic and change over time and through experiences. Sometimes you come across a certain thing with someone that makes you wonder, is it really all worth it? Certain things I can meet half way. Maybe I have to get used to being in this whole relationship stuff again. Quite honestly I got comfortable not having to worry about anyone else (and the drama that entails them, no offence to him). It's selfish but it's true. Im beginning to wonder; okay is it worth getting into a relationship with this guy if I might get hurt, if we fight all the time, if we become unhappy, if I get overly attached? I know I am thinking way too much into this... but I think I have a justifiable reason. I've been hurt, and don't want it happening again. its quite astonishing to see how much I am resisting. I am quite conflicted, best to take my time. If this guy is worth it, he'll wait around when I am ready. otherwise he's free to do whatever and whoever. =\

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