I was talking to a friend the other day. Updated on my life & dealie-o. She responded with I was thinking the other day while I was watching Sex and the City that you would be Carrie Bradshaw. Say what? She went on to explain how I "put myself out there", have all these crazy stories that I've experienced with guys (no not sexual ones -_-) and have "fruitful" knowledge when it comes to relationships. Uhmm hmm...ugh...gee thanks? Wasn't sure if I was suppose to feel flattered that Carrier Bradshaw reminded her of me.
Well ladies and gentlemen, I've had my share of crazy experiences. From the weird Asian guy yelling arrribbbaaaaa! in my ear as we danced on the dance floor together to getting stood up at the movies. Shit happens, we all develop feelings for people and things just don't work out. What matters is moving on from that and becoming a wiser person from that situation. You also become aware of those who stick by you to help you pick up the pieces. I know it's much to early for one of those yearly look back reflections. But 2011 was very productive. As cheesy as it it is, I'm started to actually like myself and have become an overall stronger person. Yes, I have my bad days. But those bad days have now become significantly reduced and I don't allow problems to fester on for so long any more. It's when you develop that relationship with yourself and you become comfortable in your own skin ( no matter how discomforting the situation is) your confidence and outlook will help overcome any situation. It may seem simple to some. But for me it was and still is a working progress. When it comes to guys; the right one is out there somewhere but I'm happy with things the way they are. And I guess this new found feeling is almost surreal and even can be overly sappy and nauseating to some. Also, if I'm met to be alone for the rest of my life then I'll face and accept that when I come to that bridge.

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