Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Well I'm sick. It's a horrible cold that has sucked all the energy out of me. I tried studying but it was really hard comprehending everything under this state. I just signed the consent form for Trillium Gift of Life Organ and Tissue Donor. A part of me was hesitent because what if I was in a critical state in the hospital, will health care professionals do everything it takes to maintain my health or will they neglect the quality of care because my body can save up 8 other lives? I know it's such a silly question but one can't help but wonder. I spoke to my mother about it and I still need to let my dad know too (well my mother wants me to tell him). She didn't want me donating my eyes but hey that would help someone out! I've thought about Organ and Tissue especially since last semester when we started talking about living wills and organ transplants. Well I don't know what has gotten into me but I also was considering blood donations. Admist that thought, as I signed onto my school account they were informing students about blood donations going on at my school next week. I'm also considering that too! Anyways what prompted the action today was watching this video on Ellen.
So I realized like two weeks after my reading week I've got a whole bunch of shit starting up. From a final test, care plan and a bunch of other stuff. I really wanted to get ahead on my work and even review. I've also got my Portfolio to work on and I seriously can't even fathom taking on any of this just because of the body fatigue. I was thinking today after coming close to alot of human waste (feces and urine) due to clinicals you can't look at certain foods the same again like soup or curry. ugh..yum? =\
Oh and the song above...beautiful. :) haha I think all these sappy repitive generic romantic comedies are getting to me. I remember talking about this with my best friend about this whole love thing. Was what we have with those from our past who we came to "love", was that really love? Because if it really was wouldn't it have lasted and survived whatever turmoil thrown their way? Also, wouldn't there be less angst and pain in the split? If you really loved someone and were hurt by it wouldn't you accept their decision despite the betrayal you feel and let them lead on a life that makes them happy? Is love in our generations becoming conditional?
I mean my perspective is bias seeing that I can only refer to two serious long-term relationships from my past. Both of which ended messy and were pretty dysfunctional. I realized that I played a part in the relationship fucking up. But that's the hard part how do you change that about yourself? You seem so convinced that you weren't at fault but how do you change that flaw? How do you differentiate that you aren't at fault and you had a right to be angry?

1 comment:

  1. I guess you start will all those self-discovering books...they always have those insights and different perspective for you to think about...maybe becoming more aware of personality and our own flaws in a factual way may help change our ways about certain know...yeah i wanted to do that donation organs things to...but i never knew that you just fill forms out...i thought you write in the will...yeah it is a pretty big step to take at our age...just because we don't think about dying at this age...more so we leave it until we are a lot older...but i guess it doesn't hurt to do it now...just to be on the safe side...i always wonder if i should write a will...but then i think about it...i have nothing to write on the will about dad you can have my room...what a will LMAO...but yeah...i'll look into the organ donation thing in the near future...:)
