Tuesday, January 4, 2011


So today is the day for the interview. It's at 3:00 PM. I'm not even ready, like mentally speaking. I got one reference letter, and the other one will be sent to me tommorow afternoon. I organized/updated my portfolio. I looked over some interview questions they may ask me. Even if I don't get it be chosen for the interview really made me proud. But tomorow's a busy day. I got to get dressed, go to the back to make financial arrangements for my school payments. From there I go to the main campus to pay of my fee. Afterwards I'll probably go to my school for the interview at 3:00 pm. *sigh* I hope this goes well. This semester in general is making me nervous. I really need to stay organized and not let myself get swamped in the work. My friend who's a nursing student (she's older than me) said clinicals are the make or break point. I don't want to be set back because I know this is something I don't intend on giving up on. After the interview I'm going with my mom to pick up my new sheets. Lol I think it's about time especially since I've had my comforter for 6 years. There is something unsanitary about it. Lol no worries I washed it! So I didn't go get my phone fixed but my brother had some extra old phones. So now I have this ghetto chunkalunka phone but hmm I'll manage. Me and phones have just not been going well since my silver samsung which I like had since grade 11. It's sad that I can't even turn on my broken phone :( I didn't even get a chance to figure out how to transfer the photos and stuff. hmmm I was thinking of going to the store and asking him if there's any way. Oh well...life goes on right? Lol I know it's so petty to fret over material goods. But I don't know it seems silly justifying my attachment to this phone. *sigh*
So I'm kinda waiting for The Sorcerer's Apprentice to upload because Jay Baruchel is in it. My GOD! I have this major crush on him. Like I never understood how people are so obsessed with celebrities.. until I watched Knocked Up. Like I've seen him in other shows/movies but this was different. mmhmm :)
Well my friend was over for the past couple of days. So during the day we went shopping to get a few things done. Afterwords in the evening my friends and I met up to exchange our xmas gifts. hehe I like my gifts!!! =D I got the Chicken Soup for the Nurse's Soul book and a mug for my david's tea hehehehe which I intend to buy with my Mall Gift Card my other friend got me. And lastly I got a brush set which I really needed :|. It was something I needed but never went out and got because I was going to make do with what I had. We also got our ceramics we made two months back from my friend's birthday. My elephant piggy back I made looks so cute. I've named him George! My mom loved it. I felt kind of guilty because she thought it was for her. But hmm that was my day. I've included some photos of George. If you are wondering why I named him George because of Grey's Anatomy he was my favourite character.After going to a Firkin we watched Yogi Bear in 3D. It was a good movie and after watching it I have this craving to go hiking. Hmm maybe I'll go sometime this week. Justin Timberlake did a good job at voicing over BoBo.

His bumbum has the planet earth on it.

On his left has the moon and stars.

On his right; a branch with leafs and a pink flower + peace sign. On his back right foot is the date/birthday of my friend. =]


  1. I feel so special...heheh i'm ur friend...hopefully you enjoy the book!...i don't even know if your a chicken soup book person...but yeah

  2. lol creepy friend!! CREEPY! i can imagine u giggling :|

  3. p.s my elephant's got a nice kundi ;)
