PDA; That shit bugs the crap out of me. What's worse is when I see it on social networks like facebook. You want to say "I love you boo boo face" then call/text/mail/send a telepathic msg to your damn signnifcant other. No one needs nor wants to see one profress their love over the net to their signifnicant other. Isn't it something personal, so why announce it out in the public? One it's going to make me hurl and two doesn't it deplete the value of the message when you put it as your facebook status? I honestly would appreciate a guy telling me this personally or even writing it down on a letter, NOT ON THE INTERNET, where my friends and family can see it. I wonder for those who overly show PDA on the net are they trying to prove something to the social network world? Are they trying to compensate and cover something that is lacking? Or are they really that sappy? Because if that's the case I need some damn gravol from reading that kinda crap. bahaha Honestly, it just looks pathetic in my eyes. Putting up photos of you and your SO together doing cool things, fine. Putting up photos of your tongue down each others throat, OH DEAR GOD that would scare me. At a quick glance, I'd get startled because it looks like the chick's eating his face. bahaha
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