Imagine waking up from a dream about this:
Yeah no joke. It's weird... I usually have a tendency of dreaming about things I study. I noticed if I stress about the subject a little bit more than usual then the more prominent the dreams are. So yesterday when I had my nap I was dreaming about coagulation( blood clotting). It's really weird but I guess it's my brain's way of memorizing and putting things into my long term memory. But this one my god has to be the WEIRDEST. I think the coolest feature about this is the cilia. This is basically found in the trachea the cilia is there to push out any dirt or dust that's iritating it. It's the cilia that's responsible for pushing it up to your throat so you can either spit it our or swallow it. When people smoke these cilia usually die..and they don't grow back. Anyways for those who are still reading...when my turtle jumps into the water it sounds like poop plopping..weird but true..he startles me time to time..especially at night when im frikken sleeping! But yeah i remember when I was in high school I'd have dreams about doing math equations. Once i had a dream about chemistry and I woke up and got out of bed to see if my dream was even right.

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