What do you see in Jojo's shell? I see a frog with extra large upper limbs, a witch, a skull, an native person holding a European by the collar, a lightening bolt, an Indian girl in a hat and a salwar, and two penguines in a heated argument. Am I high? No! =\ Am I making up BS? I seriously see these things!! Ahh I hope I'm not crazy.. Yeah so my breaks over. I am not looking forward to re-adjustment.
Stupid DST deprived me of sleep. Well anyways I found this nice link about an animated documentary: http://films.nfb.ca/tying-your-own-shoes/index.php
Down syndrome is accepted and embraced by many communities today. Nevertheless, it's mentally and physically demanding for the families and those with it.I don't want to be so redundant on the issues of mental disabilities and children. But the clip was very sweet and brought a smile to my face so I had to share it with others.
I saw Lady gaga's new video telephone.. seriously random. One thing I got to give Gaga is her originality and uniqueness despite the weird looks she gets. Nevertheless, her flashy coture and her excessively thin body frame (where there has been reports of irregular heart rate) is just adding to your typical mainstream media. *sigh* will it ever change? maybe? Nevertheless, your typical photos of girls half naked will stump a chubby girl claiming how she's confident and beautiful. It's cynical, it's true BUT WE NEED MORE OF IT. Certain places in the world prefer women that are more thick. Why? it is said that they can bear children and the birth process is less complicated than of those with narrow hips. But of course in the male dominated world we want women to be fragile , weak and easy to break like a twig.
Oh yeah, there were like a few references two Michael Jackson in the video. What bothers me is why do people all of sudden shine so much light on MJ after he's dead? It's just annoying because many magazine and news reports will go on about the flaws of MJ. This probably contributing factor to his mental health. that drove him to take so many drugs. Now all of a sudden he passed away and everyone was frikken SAD. yes it was a shock..but I hate the fact everyone's got to flip flop from one side to another. BAHH! I guess that's media for you fulfilling the desire of the many readers just so the can get business. And we as a society are fickle to just give into these influences. Wow I sound like a broken record but there's only so much one can do.
And why do celeb. have these drug problems? Like I don't get it..I understand experimenting. But then there are those who get addicted. I can see it as a norm. for normal people.. because we have something to stress about! Im trying to see it on both sides. Normal people turn to drugs because we lack money and live impovershed conditions. Celebs. have to meet the demands of showing this illusion of perfection. They need to maintain an image to remain in the public eye. Some are better off, they have money and they don't need the attention (for example victoria beckham, who made the best out of her career as a spice girl) I also notice sometimes celebs. will just surface outta no where to promote a movie, album release etc. Nevertheless, I think I'd respect a celeb. more if she or he came out and said; "hey Im human I got flaws and I have my bad days!" and quit this crap about being oh so glamorous. FUck that shit..everyone knows that is all fake shit.
Lady gaga is on the center spread of Cosmo this month - apparently, she tells all her boyfriends, hang on boys it's going to be a tough ride. I find it hard to feel captivated by the Gaganess everyone talks about.